InterFAB Expert Talks
ATM performance data - can we do better?

It's not just the tech sector that relies on understanding vast amounts of detailed, dynamic data. Air traffic management (ATM) operations and the performance scheme which underlies the European ATM system also rely on the gathering and analysis of huge amounts of data. The only problem is that this data is often hard to understand, not always complete and difficult to use for communication purposes.

Therefore, InterFAB hosted a series of Expert Talks to provide a platform where experiences can be shared and views exchanged on the key issues which relate to data and performance in ATM.

In 2021, six sessions were held putting a variety of issues into the spotlight. The brochure "Our Expert Talks" gives an overview of the topics covered, the experts featured as well as the findings summarising each talk. You are welcome to either flip through it or to download it here.

Take a look at all our sessions!