
FABEC organizes on a regular basis workshops, meetings and seminars to ensure a good understanding of needs and requirements, both those of airspace users and of air navigation service providers. The main focus of these initiatives is on operational issues.

The FABEC Council invites all FABEC stakeholders to the consultation meeting on RP4 and the FABEC Performance Plan for the FABEC States (ref. article of the Commision Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/317). It takes place on 4 September 2024 at Eurocontrol Aviation Learning Centre in Luxembourg.

FABEC’s Standing Committee Operations organized its annual meeting with AOG and CFSPG representatives on the 16th of May 2023 in Geneva. More than 20 experts from FABEC ANSPs and industry stakeholders (mainly aircraft operators) gathered at Geneva Airport to mainly discuss the conclusions of the Customer Satisfaction Survey FABEC conducted in 2022/2023. Discussions focussed on following derived issues: RAD restrictions within FABEC; tools/portals of FABEC ANSPs; flight planning with special focus on CFSPs; CDO/CCO operations within FABEC; and communication. Please find below the invitation, agenda and all presentations of FABEC’s SC OPS / AOG (Airline Operators Group) meeting.

(from left to right: Urs Lauener, COO skyguide and CM FABEC SC OPS, Björn Tiffert, TUI and CM AOG and Craig McFarlane, AirSupport and co-chair CFSPG)